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Urban Planning.GIS 

When it comes to urban planning I specialize in geographic information systems. The management and creation of databases of geographically localized elements. 

These coming projects are a mix of projects that are from my work, personal interest, and university thesis.

Some of these projects could be downloaded if someone needs them for a personal project.

The tree's of Milan

The tree's of Milan

Using the GIS database of the trees present in the city and the usage of tree characteristics databases such as the CiTree and I-Trees. I did a series of calculations and maps that further the understanding of the local tree population allowing for better maintenance and selection of trees to plant.

This process combined with other geolocalized datasets allows for geospatial analysis, furthering the intelligence of the selection criteria of different species.

These statistics range from the Biodiversity of the entire city and each park comparing them with 10-20-30 rule for tree diversity in urban forests and other limits and indices to more direct statistics such as species richness, quantity, and finally, statistics based on the species-specific characteristics, for example, how many trees have high drought resistance to more fun statistics like how many trees flower in which months of the year with what color of the flower and whether its smells or not.

All these characteristics are also then represented as maps, allowing for the before mentioned geospatial analysis, confronting the physical environment to the tree's specific needs and seeing if they match or not.

This work was then replicated in other cities.



If intested in the entire booklet thesis please send an email using the button bellow

A snippet of the article published about the work on Acer magazine.
Link :

Guie to urban trees

Guide to Urban trees

As a collaboration with the Italian confederation of agriculture Milano  (CIA confederazione italiana agricoltori - Centro lombardia) and using the results of my thesis, we developed a guide which was then printed and distributed that allowed the reader to follow an itinerary in the city which passed through green areas, historical gardens, and cultural sites, in which he/she can learn about both the trees in said sites, the sites themselves and the monuments around them.

A map containing all the trees (numbered) in that area would allow the reader to identify the specie of said trees and then a  page in which the characteristics and peculiarities of the trees are described.

The goal of the project was to promote interest in the urban greenery around us starting by learning to identify and name the trees, while also learning about the cultural site in order to attract readers from different interests than that of botany. 


An extract of a part of the guide showing a map of one of the gardens and then the story of that site. 

Shadows of Milan

Shadows of Milan

A longer extract could be found on the website of the confederation:

The guide was met with a good amount of success that I started taking people out on a tour using the guide with the collaboration of the FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano.

An article in which more that summarizes the project nicely:

A more detailed article and recount of the how and why:


I have created a full map of the shadows created by the buildings in Milano.

It was created using R-code and the resulting file is a Shapefile SHP (Geolocalized geometry) for every hour of two specific days, the summer solstice and the winter solstice.

The creation of this shadow map allows for interesting geospatial analysis with other elements of the city or even for the study of heat island effects and so on.


I started this project as a small part of my thesis, with the aim to compare the tree's light necessities with the access to light at that specific location, corelating it to tree health, creating the shadows for a small area of Milan. After having finished up I ended up doing it for the whole city.

Layout 1 June.jpeg
Layout 1 dec.jpeg

Summer Solictice from 6:00 to 21:00
For a total of 16 hours, a shapefile each.

For a 

Winter Solictice from 9:00 to 16:00
For a total of 8 hours, a shapefile each.

For a 

3D model of Milan

An intersection of all layers could be created (a heavy operation) which could allow querying the areas that have a specific amount of sun exposure during the day. This operation could be done on qgis using kgjenkins QGIS model found here

If anyone requires the files for certain parts of the city contact me in the contact information with the specific area needed and I'll send the files over.

3D model of Milan

I have created a full 3D model of the entire city (OBJ format) using some QGIS plug-ins and Blender.
The Topographic database DBT of the city was used to obtain the hight information on the different volumes present.

The model below shows a part of the city, the historic center.

If anyone requires the files for certain parts of the city contact me in the contact information with the specific area needed and I'll send the files over.

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